Bancroft Field Naturalists

Ontario Nature ~
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry ~
MNRF Invasive Species ~
Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas ~
Birds Canada ~ https://www.birdscanada
Birds Canada Birdathon ~
Merlin Bird ID ~
Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas ~
Nature Conservancy Canada ~
Journey North - tracking migrations and seasons ~
The Canadian Canoe Museum ~
Local Organizations
Think Turtle Conservation Initiative ~ Education Initiatives and Species Recovery Efforts ~
North Hastings Community Fish Hatchery ~ Local Fish for Local Lakes ~
The Land Between - Cottage Country's Conservation Organization ~
Our Constitution
The constitution supersedes any Constitution written in the name of the Bancroft Field Naturalists et al prior to the date of May 21st, 2024.
1) The Club;
The name of the organization shall be the Bancroft Field Naturalists herein referred to as the Club
The Club is an unincorporated entity.
The Club is a federated member of Ontario Nature which is a non-profit charitable organization.
Receipts issued by the Club are for bookkeeping purposes only and are not tax deductible.
2) The aims and objectives of the club are;
To preserve the natural ecosystem including all living organisms including soil, air and water.
To promote a public interest in and a knowledge of the natural history of the area, for a better understanding of the value of our heritage in nature.
To promote, encourage and cooperate with organizations and individuals having similar interests and objectives
To consider matters of environmental concern. Any issue of controversial environmental nature on which it is felt the Club may take a stand, must be discussed with the membership of the Club at a regular meeting or at a meeting called specifically for that purpose and agreed to be a vote of the members present and with a majority vote of 50% plus 1.
3) The Club shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for any of its members; any earnings or accretions to the Club shall be used in promoting its objectives.
4) Membership and Dues;
Any person or family shall, upon application and payment of dues, become a member of the Club. Payment of the Annual Dues as set out by the Executive will be a necessary condition for the continuance of membership, excepting Life Members.
Club membership shall consist of individuals, families, organizations and corporate members. Family memberships shall consist of either a couple without children, or one or both parents and any dependent children up to the age of eighteen.
Lifetime memberships are Honorary Memberships can be awarded to an individual by the Executive as recognition for their contributions to the organization or to environmental stewardship in the Bancroft area. Lifetime members shall have individual voting power.
All members shall have voting power at regular meetings and Annual General Meetings with each family membership entitled to only two votes, and organizations and corporate members to only one vote each. All members in good standing shall have the right to vote.
5) Executive;
The Executive shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting to be held within three months following the start of the fiscal year which is January 1st.
The Executive shall consist of the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Memberships and up to 5 additional Directors, who shall be elected for a term of 2 years, plus the immediate Past President for a term of one year only.
Any vacancy occurring may be filled by the Executive, to terminate at the end of the vacated office.
If no member is available to fill an office when a 2 year term is completed, the current office-holder may continue for longer than 2 years.
The President shall be a member of all committees.
Meetings of the Executive shall be called by the President at his/her discretion, notifying the Executive in advance of the meeting. Minutes of each Executive Meeting shall be mailed or emailed to Executive Members.
The Executive shall direct and manage the affairs of the Club and appoint any member (providing they are willing) to serve in any capacity. Operating Committees will serve for the period of the Executive and be re-appointed with the election of each new Executive.
At any Executive meeting 50% plus one member shall constitute a quorum, and only Executive Members shall vote.
Executive Meetings are closed unless a written request to appear on the agenda is received seven days in advance of the Executive Meeting. If the Executive agrees to meet with the applicant(s) the applicant(s) may attend only for their portion of the agenda.
Not less than two months prior to the Annual General Meeting, the Executive shall appoint a Nominating Committee to present a Slate of Officers, naming as Chairman one of the Directors. Nominations for elected office may be submitted in wiring to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee by any member in advance of the Annual General Meeting. Further nominations may be submitted from the floor at the Annual General Meeting by any member, provided that prior consent of the nominee has been obtained. The notice of the Annual General Meeting and the Election of new officers shall be printed in the minutes of the regular meeting one month in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
An Executive member missing three consecutive meetings without notification may be replaced at the discretion of the Executive.
6) The Fiscal Year End of the Club shall be December 31st, and the accounts shall be audited by two members of the Club designated as auditors and appointed by the Executive.
7) The signature of two Executive members shall be required for all withdrawal/expenditure transactions involving the operation of bank accounts. Expenditures by the Executive of any non-budgeted item must not exceed $200 without approval of the membership.
8) Meetings shall be held monthly (excluding July and August) with a planned programme for the education and entertainment of members.
9) Organized field trips shall be arranged and conducted by capable leaders.
10) All members shall be supplied with a copy of the Constitution upon request. Any member may propose an amendment to the constitution which shall be presented in writing at least 6 weeks before the Annual General Meeting or a Special Meeting called for consideration of the amendment. If accepted by two-thirds of the members voting the amendment shall become part of this constitution. Notification of such proposed amendment shall be communicated to the members prior to the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting.
11) In the event of the dissolution or winding up of the Bancroft Field Naturalists, all of its remaining assets, after payment of liabilities, shall be distributed by the Executive to one or more recognized Canadian charitable organizations with similar objectives to the Club.