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Our monthly meetings are a great opportunity to meet like-minded people and hear from a variety of guest speakers on a wide range of topics related to nature. They're held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, from September to June, at the Child & Youth Hub, 168 Hastings St. N., Bancroft, (beside Millenium Park), from 7 - 9pm. Everyone is welcome!

We also schedule regular outings, giving members the opportunity to explore nature together, gain experience, and share knowledge. Join us and discover the wonders of Nature!

*** Coming Up ***
"Saving our wildlife ~ one animal at a time"

Our February meeting on the 18th will be our annual Birdhouse Making Bee! Get your construction juices flowing (no experience necessary) and help build a batch of our famous bluebird boxes. All materials and tools provided. Meet at 7pm at 168 Hastings St. This is always a fun event!


Coming in the last week of February -  a SNOWSHOE OUTING!! More info to follow.


Towards the end of March, we'll be heading the the Haliburton Wolf Centre. Details soon.


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Guest Speakers

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Special Events

Bancroft Field Naturalists

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©2024 by the Bancroft Field Naturalists

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